Mauricio Solano Doubles Again and Kayvon Shahbaz Eliminated in Eighth Place ($6,300)

Level 16 . Ante 12,000 . Blinds 6,000.12,000 . Remaining Players 7 of 79

Mauricio Solano was all in again, this time holding 9 of hearts9 of clubs under the gun, and Jonathan Steitz had him covered holding Ace of diamondsAce of hearts on the big blind.

The board came to the rescue of Solano when it ran out Jack of clubs8 of diamonds2 of spades9 of spades7 of spades, and he doubled up to survive with 181,000. Steitz was at 360,000 after the hand.

While this hand was going up in the blog Kayvon Shahbaz was eliminated in eighth place, good for $6,300 in prize money.

Mauricio Solano – 181,000 (15 bb)
Jonathan Steitz – 360,000 (30 bb)
Kayvon Shahbaz – Eliminated in Eighth Place ($6,300)