Truong Huyan Lays Down Kings Pre-Flop

Level 29. Ante 200k. Blinds 100k / 200k. Entries: 2,952. Players Remaining: 15

Jhonny Donnelly limped in under the gun +1, and Truong Huyan made it 1,700,000 in the big blind. With action back on Donnelly, he moved all in for 8,025,000 total.

There was some “colorful” language used in a bit of banter back and forth between the two players. Huyan then went deep into the tank for nearly four minutes.

Huyan turned to the blog staff and said, “I have a really good hand.”  He then tanked for another two minutes before tossing King of spadesKing of clubs face up into the muck.

“I put you on Aces,” Huyan said.

“I had ace king, I thought you were bluffing,” Donnelly said as he showed the King of hearts.

Players will head out on a 15-minute break in just a few minutes.

Jhonny Donnelly – 10,000,000
Truong Huyan – 8,000,000