A Double For Mohammad Abedi Before Final Two Tables

Mohammad Abedi

Level 28. Ante 150k. Blinds 75k/150k. Entries: 2,952. Players Remaining: 18

Action folded to Gawain Visagi on the button who raised to 1,325,000. The small blind folded and Mohammad Abedi moved all in from the big blind for 2,475,000. Visagi paused to think for a few moments before ultimately opting to call.

Abedi: Jack of diamondsJack of spades
Visagi: 9 of spades9 of hearts

The board ran out 6 of spades5 of diamonds3 of clubsQueen of clubs7 of diamonds, safe for Visagi to double up.

“I was already in for 1.3,” Visagi said with a shrug as the pot was pushed to Abedi.

On another table, a player busted and the remaining 18 players are now being moved to the final two tables.

Mohammad Abedi – 5,025,000
Gawain Visagi – 8,400,000