A Double for Victoria Vandigriff

Victoria Vandigriff

Level 26. Ante 100k. Blinds 50k/100k. Entries: 2,952. Players Remaining: 29

There was a pot of around 600,000 in the middle and a board reading 7 of spades3 of spades2 of hearts5 of hearts. Truong Huynh annouced that he was all in from under the gun, and Victoria Vandigriff quickly called on the button.

Vandigriff turned over 10 of diamonds10 of spades, and Huynh showed Ace of hearts6 of hearts for a flush draw and a gutshot straight draw.

The 9 of spades river did not give Huynh one of the outs he needed, and Vandigriff was awarded a double up.

“I had to call. I win that pot, I win the tournament,” Huynh said as the chips were passed across the table to his opponent.

Victoria Vandigriff – 4,600,000
Truong Huynh – 1,200,000