Event 1 Day 2 – A Double for Brian Green (and His Dog)

Brian Green

Level 19. Ante 20k. Blinds 10k/20k. Entries: 2,952. Players Remaining: 135

Facing a raise from Mark Ioli in early-middle position, Brian Green moved all-in in the hijack for 210,000. It folded back to Ioli who paused for a moment before calling.

Green needed some help holding Ace of clubsQueen of clubs against Ioli’s 9 of spades9 of hearts, but he didnt have to wait long as the flop came ace-high giving Green a bigger pair. The King of clubs turn and6 of spades river did not change the hand and Green was awarded a full double-up.  Seemingly unphased, Green’s doggo rested quietly in his lap while his dad raked in the pot.

Brian Green – 470,000
Mark Ioli – 600,000