Aden Salazar’s Ladies Take Down a Huge Pot

Adan Salazar

Level 25 . Ante 80k. Blinds 40k/ 80k. Entries: 2,952. Players Remaining: 39

There was a huge all in/double up over on table 18, and two of the players called over the blog staff to let us know about what was going down. As the dealer was scooping up the cards two players at the table were nice enough to reconstruct the hand for us.

Aden Salazar had raised to 210,000 in middle position. It folded to Evan Fish in the small blind who called.

The flop came 9 of diamonds5 of diamonds5 of clubs.

Fish bet out 250,000, and Salazar moved all in for 1,700,000.

Fish went deep into the tank and after nearly 4 minutes of thinking he called.

Salazar held Queen of clubsQueen of spades against Fish’s 9 of spades8 of hearts.

The 4 of heartsturn and 7 of diamonds river did not change the hand, and Salazar’s queen’s held for a big double.

Aden Salazar – 3,600,000