Arnold Block Sends Two Home – Kasey Mills and Kenneth Detina

Arnold Block

Level 22. Ante 40k. Blinds 20k/ 40k. Entries: 2,952. Players Remaining: 70

Hand #1:

Arnold Block raised from under the gun, and action folded to Kasey Mills in the cutoff who moved all in for 140,000. It folded back to Block who quickly called.

Block: King of clubsKing of diamonds
Mills: 10 of spades10 of hearts

The board ran out 6 of diamonds4 of clubs2 of hearts6 of clubs3 of spades and after a close count of chips it was determined that Block had Mills just covered in order to send her to the rail.

Hand #2:

A few orbits later Kenneth Detina moved all in for 615,000 in late-midde position, and Arnold Block called on the button. All other players folded.

Block: Ace of heartsKing of hearts
Detina: King of diamonds9 of hearts

The flop came 6 of hearts3 of hearts3 of diamonds, and Detina said, “That’s a pretty good flop for you.”

The 5 of spades turn did not improve Detina’s hand, and the 4 of hearts on the river gave Block a flush to secure the knock-out.

Arnold Block – 1,850,000
Kenneth Detina – Eliminated in 72nd ($2,310)