Nicholas Burnett Bubbles Final Table

Level 31. Ante 300k. Blinds 150k/ 300k. Entries: 2,952. Players Remaining: 9

Robert Viafora raised to 600,000 in the hijack, and Nicholas Burnett moved all in on the button. It folded back to Viafora who quickly called and the cards were tabled:

Burnett: Ace of hearts10 of hearts
Viafora: King of spadesKing of hearts

“Ace please,” Burnett asked for as the flop came 8 of diamonds5 of spades5 of clubs.

Unfortunately the 9 of spades turn and  Queen of hearts river did not help Burnett and he was eliminated in 10th place.

The remaining 9 players are now getting situated at the live streamed final table which is set to begin in about 20 minutes, and will be on a 30 minute delay.

Robert Viafora –
Nicholas Burnett – Eliminated in 10th Place ($12,660)