Money Bubble Bursts in Flight O Turbo

Preston Tran

Level 16 . Ante 10,000. Blinds 5,000 / 10,000. Entries: 201. Players Remaining: 26

The money bubble has just burst in the final Flight of Event 1. The remaining 26 players are all guarnateed at least $740, but only the final 12 players will bag up and return to play Day 2 tomorrow at 1 pm.

Here is a look at how the bubble played out.

Brian Jones moved all in from under the gun +1 for 48,000. Preston Tran called in the hijack. Gabriel Absada called in the small blind, and Jhonny Donnelly called in the big blind.

The flop came Ace of hearts2 of diamonds3 of clubs.

Both blinds checked and Tran bet 40,000. All other players folded and Tran and Jones tabled their hands.

Jones was ahead holding Ace of spadesJack of clubs for a pair of aces against Tran’s 5 of spades5 of diamonds.

The 8 of spades turn did not change the hand, but the 5 of clubs on the river gave Tran a set of fives to eliminate Jones in 27th place, with 26 players getting paid.

Tran now has approx. 460,000, and he along with the remaining players are all guaranteed at least $740.