Bubble Bursts in Flight M – In the Money

Level 15. Ante 8k. Blinds 4k/8k. Entries: 404. Players Remaining: 51.

The money bubble has burst, and it was Jose Hidalgo that was sent home in 52nd place.

It folded around to Hidalgo in the hijack who moved all in for his remaining 19,000, and Ben Perez (pictured above) quickly called on the button.

Hidalgo was behind holding Ace of clubsQueen of hearts against Perez’s Ace of heartsAce of spades.

The board ran out Queen of diamonds10 of clubs9 of hearts3 of clubs6 of hearts sending Hidalgo home.  But as the bubble, his name is now entered into a drawing for two free seats into the $1.5 Million Guaranteed Title Event on Labor Day Weekend.

Ben Perez as well as the remaining 51 players are now in the money and guaranteed at least $740.

Ben Perez – 240,000