Cleddie Keith Eliminated in 8th Place ($22,410)

Level 32. Ante 400k. Blinds 200k/400k. Entries: 2,952. Players Remaining: 7

Mohammad Abedi opened to 800,000 in middle position. It folded to Cleddie Keith in the cutoff who moved all in for 6 million. It folded back to Abedi and he called.

Keith: Queen of heartsQueen of clubs
Abedi: Ace of clubsKing of clubs

Unfortunately for Keith, the Ace of spadesJack of spades4 of spades flop gave Abedi a pair of aces to take the lead, and the 6 of hearts turn and 4 of hearts river did not improve his hand, sending him home in 8th place.

Mohammad Abedi – 23,300,000
Cleddie Keith – Eliminated in 8th Place ($22,410)