Jhonny Donnelly Wins Event #1, Robert Viafora Eliminated in 2nd Place ($117,770)

Level 35. Ante 800k. Blinds 400k/ 800k. Entries: 2,952. Players Remaining: 0

Jhonny Donnelly limped on the button, and Robert Viafora moved all in for 11,800,000. Donnelly quickly called and the cards were tabled.

Donnelly: King of diamondsKing of spades
Viafora: King of clubs3 of clubs

The flop came Ace of diamonds9 of spades3 of diamonds giving Viafora some hope with a pair of threes, but leaving Donnelly in the lead with his pocket kings.

Unfortunately for Viafora the 4 of hearts turn and 5 of diamonds river did not improve his hand, and he was eliminated in 2nd place taking home $117,770.

Jhonny Donnelly takes home 164,160 and the trophy.