William Burford Leads Flight K on First Break at Las Colinas

Level 5 . Ante 600 . Blinds 300.600 . Entries 263. Players Remaining 160

Players in Flight K at TCH Las Colinas are back from first break. There are currently 263 total entries, and registration remains open until Level 9 (approx. 6:30 pm.)

William Burford (115,500) is leading the pack. He’s followed by Philip White, the only other player to have crossed the 100K chip mark (105,700), and Andrew Dinger (98,800).

We bring you full-field chipcounts for every event, every flight, every break, and every tournament of the entire PokerAtlas Dallas series. Take a look above for the Flight K counts under the chip count tab or by clicking the link below.

Event 1K Break 1 – Chip Counts